Taṭwīr Wasīlat Vīdiyū al-Rusūm al-Mutaḥarrikah li-Tarqiyat Injāz Taʿlīm al-Mufradāt ladá at-Ṭullāb fī al-Madrasah al-Ibtidā’īyah

Naifah Naifah, Fikrotul Khusnia, Rosidi Rosidi


This research aimed to develop animation videos to assimilate Arabic vocabulary learning in the Islamic Elementary School 56 Nahdlatul Ulama Krajankulon, Kaliwungu, Kendal using the ADDIE model of Research and Development (R&D), consisting of: Need Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The results were based on five stages: First, a needs analysis of Arabic language education based on student questionnaires showed that 63% of the 28 students who filled out the questionnaires met the need criteria. Second, designing products by preparing competency maps, material maps, and manuscripts. Third, the creation of animated video media and expert validation tests, where media experts achieved a 90% achievement level and material experts received an 85% realization level. Fourth, an application of the animation video product to 28 students of class 5A. As for the application of the video animation product, a pretest, a product trial, a dimensional test, and an attractiveness test were done. The video animation product got a score of 85% with very attractive criteria. Fifth, a video evaluation was conducted, and it was found to improve vocabulary learning performance.


Arabic Learning; Video Animation; Vocabulary

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18326/lisania.v6i2.213-234


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